Tarot & Tapping
“We can predict the future when we know how the present moment has evolved out of the past.”
- CG. Jung

What Is Tarot?
You may have heard of the Tarot as a classic system of divination using illustrated cards. What I offer in particular are readings of a psychospiritual and Jungian approach, which serve to help clients reflect on a present state or situation and on their own sense of agency and intention. I focus on the Tarot system as a gateway into psychological archetypes, and aim to encourage and guide clients in using the cards as a sounding board for personal insight.

EFT (also known as “Tapping”) is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques, an energy psychology modality that combines cognitive reframing with somatic stimulation; in particular, it utilizes percussive tapping of acupressure points, easily self-administered by the client with their own fingertips. I guide clients in tapping on specific energetic pathways known as meridians while talking on an issue or problem. A degree of emotional release or relief is usually felt after only a few minutes.

In my work, I aim to help clients combine the self-reflective aspects of Tarot with the somatic effects of Tapping in achieving states of mindfulness.
While Tarot may help with insight into the self and certain life situations, it is first and foremost entertainment, and is not a replacement for psychological, medical or therapeutic intervention. Any EFT used during these sessions is done in a very minimal, “guided meditation” approach, and is only applied when appropriate. For deeper and more therapeutic work, I recommend booking a full-length energy therapy session instead.